INSTALLATION Type the following command to unpack the prometheus archive. tar -zxf prometheus.tar.gz A new directory entitled 'prometheus' will be created within your current working directory. EXECUTION You must be in the 'prometheus' directory to run the program. Start the program using the following command. ./ INPUT Model: The format for model files is described in X Simulation Data: The first line must consist of the space-delimited names of each input variable. The first variable must be t, which represents time. The second line must consist of initial values for time and each input variable. These values must also be delimited by a single space. The remaining lines in the file should contain a value for t indicating the time step at which the values on that line were observed. Values for each variable at that time step can be provided. Missing values are allowed. Values for all exogenous variables should be provided at each time step. For intermediate time steps, the prior value of the exogenous variable will be assumed. Ensure that there are no extra spaces at the end of lines or in between values. Ex/ X and Y are input variables, Z is exogenous t X Y Z 0 4 2 5.3 1 3 1 1.2 2 9.4 Note that in the last line, values for X and Y are missing. Thus there are no numbers between the delimiting spaces, but the delimiting spaces must still exist. Revision Data (from RPMDocumentation.txt in the RPM directory): This file contains the time series data which will be used by RPM as measure of quality of the models. The first column in DATAFILE represents the time points and is tagged by "t" at the top. Each of the other columns contains the observed values of a single observed variable at the corresponding time points given in the first column. Also each column is tagged by the variable name at the top. You may use spaces or tabs as delimiter. In addition, the first two rows in the DATAFILE can optionally include some desired initial values for an arbitrary set of variables. This is particularly useful to manually set initial values for hidden variables. If this option is not used, the system will assume an initial value of zero for all of the hidden variables in the model. (For an example refer to RPM/examples/rossdatatrain.txt) OUTPUT Simulation: Simulation of a model produces a file called 'simulation.out' in the 'prometheus' directory. This file can be parsed to extract the values of each variable at each sampled time step. Revision: You will generally not need to work with the output files produced by revision, however, the file .data.rev.out will contain the initial conditions for each model produced during revision. The file .rev.out contains the list of models produced by the revision. The file contains the input to the revision subsystem. EXAMPLES Example models can be found in the 'prometheus/models' directory. Some of these models contain data for revision and simulation. The models predator_prey and ross_sea are suggested for exploring the capabilities of the environment. SIMULATION To simulate a model, you must provide the program with data (see above), the size of the time steps and the number of time steps. REVISION To revise a model you must provide a data file (see above), constraints on the search space, and a type definition file. Currently the revision subsystem uses a format for declaring types that differs from that used by the GUI environment. By default the revision subsystem assumes that each type in the model is a direct subtype of 'number'--the most general type. To specify a type hierarchy for revision purposes, use the following format. is a ; For example, we can create two subtypes of the type species by writing predator is a species; prey is a species; Here, species is assumed to be a subtype of number. The above types are defined in predator_prey.type in the 'prometheus/models/predator_prey' directory.